Stereotyping Myself ???

images5Last few months I have encountered a new confusion. When I started writing for my blog, I was not worried about the readers or audience. In fact I was not very much aware of the blog thing. It started all because of curiosity and some hidden agenda.

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Farewell to Anger?

images4 Is your ‘fuse’ too short? You may accept anger as a part of your life, but do you recognize that it serves no utilitarian purpose? Perhaps you’ve justified your short-fuse behavior by saying things like ‘it’s only human’, or ‘if I don’t express it, then I’ll store it up and have an ulcer’. But anger is probably a part of your that you don’t like, and needless to say, neither does anyone else.

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my friendship weapons – (ii) Talk

imagesAfter making the initial step with your eyes, everything boils down to the next main part, that is how you talk. Now, if you cannot talk, then you can never achieve the prime objective of winning hearts. The mantra here is, women are always better in understanding man.


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