Me, my kill

2773401_f260The tiger was standstill; he didn’t want to make his move, not yet, before he was certain that everything is perfect. He was afraid to make any noise, didn’t wanted to loose his victim, the cute deer. He was patient enough, he had no hurry. He knew he had to make the kill today.

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love gone wrong, 33 words

I looked at her in silence, with dreams, hopes, expectations in my eyes. She didn’t bother to look back. My bargaining, my begging, my soul never mattered. She, her ego, her life mattered.


This post is in response to the Trifecta Writing Challenge – Week 102; Word Count: 33; Trifextra:. The challenge is to write exactly 33 words about love gone wrong. However, we are forbidden the usage of any of the following words:

Love, Sad, Tears, Wept, Heart, Pain

Me, and BYE

UntitledIt had never been easy to say ‘BYE’… when you wanted things to go on and on, when you wanted to spend more and more time with her. When you know you had this understanding which can’t be defined, but can only be felt. When you know you had this unknown chemistry, which only god has an explanation of.But then also you had to say BYE.

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