I am just a ‘thought’ !!!

images12“You are simply a thought” She smiled as she completed the remark.

I was dumbstruck hearing her statement. I could not say anything for few minutes and lot of puzzles started building inside my brain.

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The Writer and the beautiful ‘She’

images11I must admit that she is beautiful. I could not help but stare at her whenever I see her. And whenever she laughs, my heart misses a beat. Initially I was hesitant to talk to her. Added to that was her ‘don’t notice’ attitude. But, somehow I managed to start talking to her, and I don’t exactly remember how, but it started.

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The God in the Picture !!!

images10She remarked that day, “I have seen you spending lot of time just staring at this picture. What happened?”

I kept looking at the picture and replied “I am expecting God to give me a response.”

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