Path to Think Big and Aim Higher

544106281_1280x720A closer observation of the life of successful people reveal that all successful individuals have one thing in common – all of them think big and aim higher. They are successful because they think differently and achieve extraordinary results. And commonly most of them seem to defy the prevailing norms of the society in terms of their thinking.

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Ghost within me !!!

download1Standing alone in the balcony, I looked around. It was dark everywhere. I asked myself, “Who am I?”

It was 3.15 am at the watch. Someone said it is the time when ghost used to return back to their houses. It was not safe outside.

Should I get scared? Not today.

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Is her love fake?

alone-girl-shadowStill lying in the bed, almost half dead, I kept staring at the ceiling. This has more or less become a regular habit for me now. The habit of looking at the blankness of the ceiling. Feeling the hollowness within me.

That’s a pretty negative though about oneself. May be! But then whom should I lie? I know it’s for real. I know the 200 friends that I have in facebook are just for the sake. I know the smiles that I send in whatsapp are just emoji’s, not me. I know that I changed the ‘dp’ every now and then, but then again it’s just a pic. Not me.

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In search of someone…

 Syed                                                                                            In an apartment in Pune, Nov’ 2011

images12He turns to see her half-naked body lying in the bed. A smile of achievement comes all over his face. “Her curves are so very perfect, a master creation by a painter with his brush. This master piece needs much more admiration”, he thinks as he decides to join her again in the bed.

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Does face matters?

wyllaSuddenly, every thing around me is silent and peaceful. Is it dangerous? Is it a signal of a storm which is about to hit me?

Why am I so scared with silence? Why shouldn’t I be? For someone whose life has always been surrounded with noise and disturbances, it is obvious that I will be impatient with all silence and peace surrounding me.

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